Famous People

This was such a good movie and so many famous people were in it. Why was it rated so low?


No idea. I loved it. For some reason all the films I like get terrible ratings.



I love all of Hugh Grant's films even though his characters are usually less than likeable.


Just because you liked the film, that doesnt mean everyone else did. And lots of famous people in a film doesnt guarantee its gonna be good. I liked it, but others obviosly see differently.


Yeah, sometimes an a-list cast doesn't mean a blockbuster. The plot was unoriginal and the lines were pretty predictable with cheap laughs thrown in for good measure. Some people are easily entertained by mediocre work and others aren't... that's just the way it goes. I thought the movie was okay, but i think the rating it has is well deserved.



Hugh Grant's take on the character was poor.


Very good..E VEN BARNEY THE DINOSAUR's in it..so you can take kids to it..:)
