Anti-parenthood movie

I think that this movie really didn't do a good job of promoting parenthood. Seriously what traits did either Hugh Grant or Julianne Moore's character demonstrate that even slightly indicated that they would make good parents? I mean the theory that Samuel wasn't grown up because he wasn't thrilled about fatherhood wasn't helped at all by Rebecca's equally childish act of packing her bags and leaving when she couldn't get her own way. Also I'm not sure whether Samuel reading parenting books and such wasn't an act or not. Since they never had a long discussion about parenthood you gotta wonder how stable their marriage will truly be.


Who said the movie was made to promote parenthood? The situation is a very realistic situation that probably goes on all of the time. You have a couple who have been together for a long time, and she wants a commitment and family and he doesn't want to settle down. It works the opposite, too, but in this case, it was woman who wanted the family. The movie shows how two people in that situation deal with it. He is completely caught off guard and doesn't know how to handle it, and she is scared of being alone, and she doesn't know how to handle it. It seems pretty realistic to me, and they depicted it in both a funny and dramatic way, I thought.


I think part of the problem they had was that they never really talked about tackled thier fears together and so took a long time to find any common ground.
