What a series of eyerolls
Venting here so bear with me or skip it.
I can't count the number of times I almost wanted to hurl during this movie, back in 1995 but even moreso re-watching it recently. There was this supposed "movement" afoot in the early and mid 90s in the US, characterised by reverse-sexism that saw male roles having their spines constantly broken for any offense deemed selfish or negligent or (heaven forbid) traditional. Here I thought we'd had the "sexual revolution" back in the late 60s but apparently men hadn't yet been punished enough. Any man showing the slightest lack of obedience and sensitivity toward women could be justifiably written off as a worthless chauvanist caveman loser.
In "Nine Months" Sam and Rebecca are seemingly happy yuppie-types until she gets pregnant (intentionally on her part, I'm fairly certain, even when she knows Sam isn't at all prepared for it). So then Sam has to either succumb to everything Rebecca demands of him or else be cast out like garbage. When you get pregnant in American society of course you're expected to go out and enthusiastically shop for piles of plastic toys and dolls and clothes and endless decorations for the baby's room so it will have the best life possible. The father must attend every pre-natal class and participate fully in the reading of parenting books and be present at ultrasound appointments as well as pretty much deliver the baby itself (with a doctor present) co-experiencing the birth in every sense possible. Anything less than 100% and you're lower than pond scum especially if you refuse to sell your Porsche or arrive late for the ultrasound appointment.
I may well be in a minority of opinions when it comes to how Americans think these days, but for example: Where is the extended family in all this? Doesn't Rebecca have any parents/sisters/cousins/etc? Where I now live in SE Asia if your wife gets pregant you have to fight off all the female family and friends who want to come and help out with pretty much every aspect of the pregancy. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the father should just run off and play but the way American society is these days we tend to shove the greater circle away while demanding our immediate partner/spouse to pretty much cover all bases. That IMO is unhealthy, unfair to both parties, and one of the main reasons why most people get divorced and there are an overwhelming number of one-parent households. In this case, just give the guy a f'ing break already and don't make everything an ultimatum.
And on the subject of reverse-sexism in the mid-90s, I can't help but remember the same year as "Nine Months" saw a James Bond movie with the following lines issued by Miss Moneypenny:
You know, this sort of behaviour could qualify as sexual harassment.
I know you'll find this crushing, 007, but I don't sit at home every night praying for some international incident so I can run down here all dressed up to impress James Bond.
As far as I can remember, James, you've never had me.
That's probably fine if it's a chick-flick, but come on it's a James Bond Movie! So even the writers for one of the most iconinc male movie roles in history, in 1995, felt it necessary for Bond to be taken down by his most adoring previously subdued female admirer. Boo political correctness!!!
And the same year (1995) gave us the likes of "Higher Learning" too. Pretty much the most puke-inducing politically-correct presentation of 90s stereotypes and gratuitous sexual and racial cliches imaginable. If you get raped, it means you're a lesbian and that all men are inherently horrible monsters, while women are always emotionally stronger and more rightious than men. White people (especially male) are pretty much immoral rasist scumbags too. HURL!!!
More recently we have a sort-of update on a similar plotline, "Knocked Up" which although hilarious at times unfortunately says a lot of this reverse sexism hasn't been filtered through and leveled-out yet. Still treat the men like shyt for the slightest little insensitivity. "Modern" American society has given it a free pass. If you happen to be born with a dick, you suck.