MovieChat Forums > Nine Months (1995) Discussion > Hugh Grant's character wasn't selfish.

Hugh Grant's character wasn't selfish.

I know the movie tries to portray him that way, but it's not selfish to not want children. In a way, I don't blame him for acting like he did.

1. She never appeared to discuss having children with him beforehand. Although this could be a flaw in the script.

2. Tom Arnold & Joan Cusack's children WERE monsters.

I've never read this book, but it looks interesting. They were talking about it on CNN today.

Ron (to Hermione): Anyone we know dead?



I agree. It was also a flaw in the script that Hugh's character would later willingly decide to babysit them. That would never happen in real life, since they never really redeem those kids at all in the movie.

Spiders! They want me to tapdance! I don't wanna tapdance!


I disagree, I do believe that not wanting children is a selfish decision. Personally, all people I'v met who don't wnat children say they don't because they don't want to be bothered with the responsibility. They want to be free to live their lives & not have to take care of someone else.

I'm sorry but I see that as selfish, basically they are just saying I only want to care about myself & my needs & I'm not willing to put someone else ahead of me. That to me is selfish, I mean it's their decision but it is selfish.

"Life Is A Journey-Not A Guided Tour" ~ Anonymous



I'm 19, a bit younger than you, and I feel exactly the same way. If you can't give a child the love and affection and attention that it needs and deserves, than it is a very mature decision to not have one.

I honestly am not fond of children. Even when I was younger I didn't really connect with kids my age. Honestly, I'd be far more comfortable and well suited to have a houseful of animals than kids. I connect with them better. Besides, I know that there are areas that I'm better equipped to devote my energies too, rather than contributing the how overpopulated the planet is. Instead of tying myself down and spending energy on a family, I can contribute to the world in a way that plays to my strengths.

I think it's cool that you want a family and if you can do that and be a wonderful parent, then more power to you. I'm glad that somebody realizes that that is not always the right path for everyone. And if I can rescue abandoned animals or change the world for the better in some way, that's awesome, whether I procreate or not.



Blow it out of your ass, natalist drone.
No one owes you or any other breeder any explanation for not wanting children. It's not a requirement, not mandated, and no, it doesn't automatically make you a more selfless or more responsible person. So you think children are the only responsibilities that accompany adult life? Get a grip.


If you REALLY don't want to have kids, get yourself fixed.

Those foolish enough to move from canada to america increase the average I.Q. of both countries


I agree it's not selfish to not want children, but you know what? That's something you should be thinking about before you make the kid in the first place. Like it or not, pregnancy is always a potential side effect of sex, even when you think you're being careful, it can still happen. This movie is about two 30-not 16-something year old people who had been in a committed relationship for 5 years and should have been prepared for the possibility that this might happen at some point. I understand Samuel feeling panicked about the sudden and unexpected idea of becoming a father, but the what if's and possibilities should have been thought through and talked about a long time ago. The conversation between Sam and Rebecca after Rebecca reveals her pregnancy to Samuel clearly indicates that Sam, like most men, believes all the responsibility of birth control should be left to his girlfriend. Sorry, but if a man doesn't want to impregnate a woman with his offspring, then preventative measures are as much his responsibility as hers, so I don't have alot of sympathy for Samuel in this movie. It's called WRAPPING IT UP, GUYS. It's not difficult.




The only people who say its selfish to not want kids are people who've had them and are jealous of people without kids because they can no longer do what they want to do anymore because they're tied down with kids


Who said being selfish is always bad? I take care of me before anyone else, that's selfish right? The word selfish has taken on such a negative connotation, people don't realize it can be a good thing.

i hope you choke on your bacardi & coke!
*Team Landa*


At this point in my life, I don't want to be a mother because I'm still trying to get my life together and learn how to be a responsible adult. When I have a child, I want to be able to provide for that child in every way that's possible. So don't tell me, or anyone else, that I'm being selfish.


His willingness to babysit those kids just that one time was an indication of how deep his devotion was to Rebecca, not that he suddenly loved the kids. He felt that that was his only hope of ever seeing her again, and it was a sacrifice he was willing to make. (And besides, if you want reality, just look around you. But if you want delightful entertainment, go to a Hugh Grant movie.)


If you don't think you can be a good parent or an adequate provider, you should not have children. It's not selfish at all to make this choice. Some people don't even like the thought of marriage let alone kids



[deleted] make excellent points!!!! The world would truly be much better and just if more people thought like you. Do not down play your mature and smart persepctives just because you are young. You are clearly wiser and have much better judgement than many adults I have come across. You are 100% is selfish to have kids and then decide you do not want them not deciding never to have them in the first place. It irritates me when people say there are no smart individuals from this young clearly defy that statement!!!!! You should be very proud of your views and understanding of the world around us. Your parents clearly did a good job.




Agreed! Every child deserves loving parents, so it's in society's best interests that only those mature adults who can provide that love would have kids. Hooray for birth control!


I totally agree with you HalfBloodPrincess.

It is not a flaw to NOT want to have kids. Everybody has its own wishes,desires,and so on.

I didn't find Hugh Grant's character selfish as it was suppose to be, either.
To be honest, I wouldn't give my cat away in any form.


It's definitely not selfish to not want kids, but as someone else pointed out, if you don't want them, or you're not ready for them, then don't make them. I wouldn't say Samuel was totally selfish per se, but he was being juvenile. The thing with the cat was stupid, there's no reason to have to just get rid of a cat because of a pregnancy, but that appeared to be the least of his concerns. People have to realize parenthood is about a great deal of sacrifice. It's anything but selfish to elect not to have kids if you know you're not prepared for that sacrifice. But you can't make a new life and then expect the world to feel sorry for you that you now have to step up and deal with it.
