It is very easy to trash this film. The acting is medicore, the jokes so-so and the storyline harmless and somewhat cheesy, but this is the most quintessential film that defines the idyllic image of America and the early 1990's.
On paper, this film sucks. However when viewed in context, it is fantastic!
The casting is spectacular, it brings together relatively mainstream names that draw an audience and yet accomplishes no dynamic acceptable in modern ensemble performances.
Hugh Grant shows us the steretypical English charmer that ruled the world after this film. He gives us one of his many bland roles and gets by with his look and befuddlement. However, what more can one want! This is what he does and he does the job therefore he fulfills his part.
Julianne Moore and Jeff Goldblum, both relatively accomplished actors play their roles simply and VERY sterotypically of the 90's. The Wife is what Moore does, and she does this well. She makes a simple contribution to the film doing only what an audience expects and therefore accomplishes her goal. Goldblum epitomises The Best Friend Of role. He struggles with his own life and is somewhat of a starving artist in the script. Him and Grant regularly meet up and discuss there problems and fill in the audience on what is going on. He also adds his own flavour to the film, not in an actorial sort of way however. Many people will have seen him in Jurassic Park the year before. The audience would almost certainly have seen the film, interviews with Goldblum and any other amount of articles about him. They would therefore feel the know him to some extent. This is precisely why Goldblum simply acts as himself! Most actors would not get away with this. But as the public can't get enough of him, they lap up his mediocre performance! Overall these actors contribution to this film is limited, but perfect! It is simply a release for their careers to keep ticking over without having too long between projects.
The minor roles are superb. Tom Arnold and Joan Cusack, both hollywood "well-knowns" at the time, give us poor comic relief from the serious issues faced by Grant and Moore. They provide an outlet to for both the characters to illustrate to the audience what they are going through, and a few laughs (but not many). Robin Williams was on fire at this point in his career, having done Aladdin and Mrs. Doubtfire, everyone bowed to his feet as a comic genius. He plays his part in a typical way, given the characters criteria, but provides laughs and a distraction for the audience to say "Oooh! It's Robin Williams again".
The writing and directing is simple and uninspired by Columbus. Despite the fact that the film is based on another film, the premise is still conceptualised into and idyllic American 1990's "family film". Columbus is a pioneer of the 90's family film with hits such as Home Alone and Home Alone 2 going some stretch of the way. Junior and Kindergarten Cop (without forgetting "Jingle All The Way")also encompass the idyllic American atmosphere, whilst providing an actorial release for actors "relax" and still satisfy audiences withouth the films having great substance. So well done to Ivan Reitman for accomplishing this!
The photography is vibrant and highlights the idyllic existence, as does the fact that only the good side of San Francisco is shown. The direction fails to have a significant impact on the acting or storytelling, it seems to be literally what the script is!
This is an escapism film that gives the "families" this film is intended for a good run for their money. It simply defines the period it was made! It is definitely pretty "nothing" film, but it is one of the first and definitely the most harmless and "happy". The score also reflects this, the gentle tones familiar to us from such films as Junior gives is a mellow Californian "family feel" that makes us all warm and fuzzy.
I am not attacking this film, I am defending it! Within the context of when it was made it succeeds on every level. Not a notable film, but back in 95 if you said "How about "Nine Months"?" you would have no doubt been satisfied. It creates a simple and harmless atmosphere that wiles away a gentle evening. This is a great film! Watch it and see!