MovieChat Forums > Nine Months (1995) Discussion > She Did It On Purpose...

She Did It On Purpose...

Look at the evidence....she sees a cute baby on the beach, all of a sudden decides she wants kids, he's not ready, she reluctantly agrees to respect his feelings, and BAM! Shortly after this she "accidently" gets pregnant. Yeah, riiiight. I realize birth control fails but very rarely unless the person is being careless. Plus it's pretty coincidental that even though they've been together for years, she only gets pregnant right after she decides she wants to. And the guy gets sucked into something he's obviously not ready for, all the while she's trying to trap him into marriage and a whole new lifestyle, which he's also not ready for, and then when things don't go exactly her way, she walks out, immaturely willing to make her baby grow up in a single parent home with a mother who can't even afford her own vehicle just because he wasn't acting thrilled about something that she, not he, even wanted in the first place. All because she saw a cute kid on a beach and selfishly decided on a whim that she wanted a family right away regardless of his feelings and readiness. Instead of waiting until they were both ready so he could propose on his own terms and their baby would have two *married* and *prepared* parents that wanted them, instead of just a selfish mother who wanted everything on her terms and a father who got trapped into even being in the situation.

If that were real life, and Hugh Grant had brains, he would have kicked her out as soon as she decieved him instead of bending to her terms. He could have still been a good dad even though it was forced on him, he just didn't have to be tied to the person who decieved him. This whole movie portrays him as being in the wrong just for not being ready for a child his girlfriend decieved him into having. My opinion is that, while he just wasn't ready, she just plain wasn't mature enough to have a child. He stepped up to the plate eventually and was there for her and his son, but odds are the relationship would never last in real life. You have to be a good partner before you can be a good parent (not that there aren't a lot of great parents out there who just haven't found the right partner or don't want one!), and there relationship will only last until something else comes along that she wants and he doesn't.

Before anyone rags on me, I am a female, I do eventually want kids, but I would never decieve my boyfriend just to achieve this. That's just not the way to bring an innocent baby into the world - by decieving their dad and trapping him into fatherhood. I'd never have kids with a man who didn't want and hope for them just as much as I did. Sadly, way too many babies are concieved through deliberate deception - whether to try trapping a man into marriage or otherwise - which no doubt is one of the causes of the many broken homes and deadbeat dads out there.


Yeah I agree, but there also wouldnt have been a movie if she had respected his wishes. And it is possible she accidentally got pregnant, and any way you slice it you cant get unpregnant.

"Go ahead Punk!! Make my day."


I don't think it was an intentional move. For two reasons.

Firstly, from a storytelling perspective : There's no evidence to suggest that she did, other than Hugh Grant's vague accusation. And then Jeff Goldblum's assertion that its just about the worst thing any woman could do, and only the most vindictive sort would actually do it. Julianne Moore's character is not that - she's nice, she's harmless and we see nothing in her makeup to indicate a mean or selfish streak (other than the stereotyped needs of a pregnant woman). Even in the worst film-making or storytelling, if you suggest something you also have to suggest proof.

The whole film is really just Hugh Grants character envisaging the worst. His girlfriend is pregnant therefore its her fault and she's to blame. In the end, during the birth scene, the idea is reversed. Joan Cusack is screaming into the videocamera to Tom Arnold : 'THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! YOU DID THIS TO ME!'. It just intimates that whether its intentional or not, pregancy takes two.

Finally, the scene on the beach where she is so broody - I think its because she is already pregnant but she doesn't actually know it yet. Its just her body telling her so.

Hm - I seem to have taken a simple subject a bit seriously here:)


Really? Hmmm....I always thought that the conception took place right after they danced to that song that he danced to with the baby right at the know what I the scene right after when they're in the car seems like it could take place a few weeks after that....just my theory.


I thought she was broody on the beach because she was already pregnant too, but the original poster makes some sound points in general terms.

The right to free speech stops short of shouting "Fire!" in a crowded theatre. Mark Twain


i know one thing for sure the pregnancy thing. yes it does just happen. although it doesn't happen when your on birth control pills. sometimes well then again it does but only if i think if the pills expire. and if u take them even though they are expired. yes it can result in becoming pregnant even though your doing it with a guy that isn't using protection. i'm not sure if it works that way or what.


and any way you slice it you cant get unpregnant.

Yes, you can. A woman who accidentally gets knocked up has the choice of terminating the pregnancy


Actually, my mother got pregnant with my baby sister while on birth control. It can happen. I don't really think Rebecca was deceiving him about that.

But I do agree that it's hard to make the right decision when an unplanned pregnancy happens in a relationship and one wants it while the other doesn't.


I know it happens, but it seems like too big a coincidence that she brought up having kids together (when they were at the beach and she saw a cute baby) and when her boyfriend immediatly shot down the idea, she 'accidently' got pregnant.

~ Nothing is ever clear when it's right in front of your nose ~



i was thiry three when i became pregnant on my honeymoon, forgot my pills. I had an etopic, then just over a month we watched this and decided to try again. I got pregnant that night. it can be hard to get pregnant but everybody is different. If you have been on the pill a long time it may take a long time but again this isn't the same for everyone.


It's definitely not "almost impossible"(to accidently get pregnant after 30). It happens all the time. Also, I don't believe Rebecca was on the pill, but was using some other form of contraceptive. They just don't show Rebecca's character as someone who would get pregnant on purpose anyway, especially knowing how Sam felt.


If that were real life, and Hugh Grant had brains, he would have kicked her out as soon as she decieved him instead of bending to her terms.This whole movie portrays him as being in the wrong just for not being ready for a child his girlfriend decieved him into having.

Erm, excuse me?! What the hell are you going on about?! If I'm not mistaken it takes 2 to get pregnant. If he really didnt want a baby, he should have used a condom like everyone else. I HATE that your a woman sticking up for men, far too many men turn round and play the 'ooh you trapped me into this' card, because they cant live up to responsibility and think because they arent the ones who have to actually be pregnant, that they can say this and blame it all on the woman! Too often men actaully leave and tehn you have single mum, and the men have a mid-life crisis style guilt trip 3 years later and think they can just waltz back in to the babys life with the womans arms wide open, after missing the most crucial and difficult years. Come on OP, stick up for your own kind! Or atleast think about what your saying!

Sadly, way too many babies are concieved through deliberate deception - whether to try trapping a man into marriage or otherwise - which no doubt is one of the causes of the many broken homes and deadbeat dads out there.

You know this how?! Do you have figures to prove this?? And do you mean the woman trap men or vice versa, or both?


I always read that as that she was worried that she might be pregnant. There is no real indication of how much time has passed between the beach and the car trip where she tells him. Someone who isn't trying to get pregnant is not going to be testing right after conception after all. In the car she tells him that her period is ten days late. For all we know, it could only be a few days after the beach scene.

I always saw the beach scene as she's afraid she might be pregnant (even if she hadn't missed her period yet, she may be feeling other symptoms or even just "have a feeling" as some women do) and she's torn between her feelings about wanting children, and the fact that she knows Samuel wouldn't want it. That's what I thought the brooding was about.


What a load of rubbish. It's quite clearly demonstrated in the movie that it was an accident. Also there's the fact only the writers would know for sure and given they didn't give any kind of proof that it was pre-meditated then I think we know what their right story is. I mean that idea would just ruin the movie's whole heart warming story so why would they possibly do it that way. Also if that was what they intended why not just say so, so the viewers know, that's usually what happens in movies. What's the point of the writers deciding it was pre-meditated and not bothering to inform the audience.

Also he was not tricked intoanything given it was an accident. He knew each time that he had sex with her that the pill, condoms etc whatever they were using, nothing is full proof and an accident could happen. He chose to do it anyway despite being fully aware of that, hence him not being tricked into anything. That would only be the case if he was not aware she could get pregnant by him having sex with her. And if that is what he though then he is incredibly dumb and the only thing that has caused him to be tricked into anything is his own stupidity.


I was recently prescribed a very strong antibiotic. When I went to the pharmacy to get it I was told my the 19 year old girl, with a tongue and lip ring, that I should take all of the pills, and do not drink alcohol, or it will lessen the effects of it. I know that antibiotics can make your birth control ineffective, but she never said a word. I know this misinformation happens a lot. All this being said however she got pregnant Daniel did not believe it to be intentional.

And about men, and their responsibility in pregnancy, I totally agree! The men I know who do not want kids always use a condom. ALWAYS. My uncle said he and his wife had an oral agreement not to have kids, and he believed she got pregnant on purpose. I told him it should have been a much more oral agreement, and it would not have happened. Takes two to make a baby, and I do know of a man who took a file pin a poked holes in all his rubbers because he wanted another baby, and his wife, who had raised 4, the youngest being 14, was done having kids, or so she thought! After she found out she was pregnant she examined the box of condoms and found all the holes. Not just women who trick men.


"I know it happens, but it seems like too big a coincidence that she brought up having kids together (when they were at the beach and she saw a cute baby) and when her boyfriend immediatly shot down the idea, she 'accidently' got pregnant."

I think I am going to agree with you there. IMO I think she got Pregnant on purpose and it happens. She just thought Samuel would go along with it and When things didn't go as Planned. She freaked and split. What gets me is Having Samuel in the first place didn't seem to be enough.

There was a part in the film when Rebecca was talking to Gail at the Toy store about How Samuel was Not into the baby thing and somehow it scares him and He is all wrapped up into his own feelings. Did She actually think something other was going to happen.

1 It is his first child, of course Samuel is going to be scared. who wouldn't be
2 Wrapped up into his own feeling? Now He isn,t suppose to have feelings? Is She for real. was Samuel suppose to ditch his feelings just because she wanted him to.

All She really had to do was sit down with him and let Samuel get out his feelings and talk about what is going to happen. Rebecca didn't do that. She demanded He get rid of His car, His cat,His Feelings and Basically his Balls just so she could be happy.


The scene at the beach wasn't meant to show that she would trick him, it was meant to show where each of them were when it came to kids. She was staring in wonderment at a cute baby, and then he gets hit by Tom Arnold's kite and has to deal with his annoying kids. It shows each of their perspectives - it then makes sense that after she becomes pregnant, she's all for parenthood and he's not.

The movie never gave us any reason to believe she was the type of woman who would pull a stunt like that. If she were, their reunion and then ending up as a family with a baby wouldn't have been portrayed as a happy ending.



