MovieChat Forums > Nine Months (1995) Discussion > When he gets mad about his car and his c...

When he gets mad about his car and his cat

He is absolutely right! I can't figure out from the tone of the scene if he was supposed to be sounding unreasonable or justified. But I think he's absolutely right. Especially about the cat. People have cats and babies all the time. Pregnant women aren't supposed to scoop the litter, but besides that it's fine.

I felt bad for him. I know he freaks out later, but I thought he was right-on in this scene.


He would be right if he agreed to by HER a SUV and have 2 cars and she still demanded he sell his Porche, but if they are planning on owning just one car, you can't make that heppen w/ a Porche when you have a baby. You need space. The cat is another story, I would get a second opinion.



I got pissed too when too many people said I should have "moved away" my cat when I got pregnant. I had been living with 2 different cats and I never had toxoplasmosis (for this reason, I have to check the situation every month); people are too ignorant about a lot of things about pregnancy but they always "must" express their opinion. luckily in my case it wasn't my partner to express these this silly anti-scientific thouthts


he suggested that she could have her own car and it was completely reasonable. and i have 2 kids and 2 cats and dont have toxoplasmosis and my cats did NOT smother my children. especially in this movie, he had the cat 16 years and his car, after she said it wasnt going to change everything.


He was trying to be justified. I like Julianne Moore very much, but she annoyed the crap out of me in this movie. During that scene about the car and the cat, the car i can understand, but she was overreacting about the cat situation. She didn't know JACK SQUAT about what she had to do during her pregnancy, she just kept agreeing with everyone else who thought they knew what was best. She just seemed like an airhead in this movie, especially when she wanted to have sex with Hugh Grant and decided to spend the entire evening giggling about her baby kicking. The only people i liked in this movie were Tom Arnold, Jeff Goldblum, and Robin Williams. Joan Cusack annoys me, Julianne Moore's character was too unlikeable, and Hugh Grant can't act a character past, "I'm Mr. befuddled British Romeo". He's the SAME DAMN CHARACTER in every movie he's in. He can't EVER lose the British accent, or the personality. Tom Arnold's character was your ususal veteran Daddy with a comedic personality, that's why i liked him so much. Jeff Goldblum was your usual male with no real means of getting older or maturing, and he played that part rather well. Robin Williams just stole the show with his goofy, clumsy demeanor like he usually does. Granted, here, Hugh Grant impressed me in SOME parts of the movie, but he wasn't my favorite character.

"Danger's my middle name. Mine's Cornelius. You tell anyone, I'll kill you"


Actually pregnant women can scoop litter as long as it's less than 24 hours old.

I'm just a musical prostitute, my dear. -Freddie Mercury


In reality, Spidysense97-1, a woman pregnant for the first time will very often do that (take as Gospel what other people advise) and she'll frequently think of worst-case scenarios (like sex traumatizing the baby), worrying about the strangest things. I know. I did that, too, during my first pregnancy. So it's not a real stretch, although you've got to realize this is a movie and facts will sometimes be altered a little in order to advance the story. Novels do that, too. "Suspension of disbelief" is an accepted tool. Now, for your other point, about all of Hugh's characters being exactly the same - watch how he plays Bruno in "Till We Meet Again" and you'll surely change your mind. Bruno was a very slimy bad guy, one of the most evil I've ever seen; but Hugh was completely believable in that role. Everything about Hugh's Bruno - posture, mannerisms, facial expressions, walk, talk, everything - was different than his other characters.


He's the SAME DAMN CHARACTER in every movie he's in. He can't EVER lose the British accent, or the personality.

Watch Cloud Atlas, he plays six characters, including an American aristocrat and a terrifying cannibal.


We had a cat throughout my pregnancy, no problems at all. No Porsche, but hey you can't have everything.


I agree about the cat. I love when he says, "Skippy is old! He can barely walk, much less muster the strength to suffocate someone."

However, he did suggest she get her own car and she insinuated that she could not afford it. ("On my salary?")

I hate it when I go to a hotel and can't get a sig on my beeper.


Nobody has mentioned that it is heartbreaking, or grievous for a cat that has been a family member for 16 years to suddenly be thrown away like trash because a woman like Julianne Moore's character who totally lacks empathy for a pet says she's bothered by the thought of "maybe" becoming ill. Which would only happen if she was ignorant and careless and allowed herself to become ill. Would she throw away the baby if she caught a virus from her child years down the road?! What an awful, selfish, monstrous person. And then she just packs up and abandons Hugh Grant because he's struggling to adjust to a major life change. Selfish, uncaring *beep* She'd make an awful parent.
