what a wasted chance!
what a pity, interesting plot and two good actors wasted for a simple entertainment movie,
we could have had a brilliant two man play, with a johnny depp who is faced with making an inhuman moralic decision maybe with doing the hybris of naturally putting his daughters life above the one of the senator without questioning it, maybe being faced with various ways to justify this decision (senator is corrupt, deserves it... etc)
and a christopher walken maybe with a fatalistic apologic attitude ("we all have to die") or even reproachfull ("u arent better, putting ur daughters life above the senators" or "what we do will save lifes"),
both actors would have been capable of so much more no doubt,
but what we get is a pure actionthriller whos only question it is, how does the maincharacter get around this decision, just how to get our precious maincharacter out of this decision safely before it gets interesting, instead of using the potential of the exposition the movie falls into the conflicts solution immidiatly and bores us with it till the predictable end, its a wasted chance,
depp and walken do the work of average series actors, they both remain horribly flat, they seem to do the whole movie with just two expressions: walken is angry and nervous and depp is frightened and nervous all the time, u cant see any deeper conflicts or motivations,
its one of those typical movies which waste its interesting exposition to a pure actionloaded solution, it reminds me of the more recent "phone booth", maybe its a symptom for regisseurs who are overdemanded with a plot and fall into basic genre-patterns,