Playing the Sunset - Stop the insanity
I watched the movie for the 3rd time. And even before I saw reviews criticizing that scene, I thought of posting about it here.
I've known how to play piano, guitar and drums for 25 years (mostly self-taught). And I'm thrilled that scene is in the movie, because I can really relate to it.
Some explanation of Holland's technique, and what criticizers may have missed:
The movie doesn't suggest you can LEARN an instrument by Playing the Sunset. Gertrude had been playing for 3 years (so she knew - intellectually - HOW to play. Holland's technique simply got her to not try so hard; to not think about HOW to play that note, which actually impedes the physical ability to play the note.
Even when I know HOW to play something, I sometimes mess it up because I'm over-thinking and not in the 'groove', 'zone' or feel. I learned by playing by ear, then I developed most of my skills solely through having fun playing with emotion (Before anyone assumes I must suck ..... I have nearly duplicated the playing of Chuck Berry and Neil Peart).
A good metaphor would be: It's like not being able to remember something.... then when you stop thinking about it..... you remember.