Politically Correct movie
They really went out of their way to be totally PC in this film.
What boy eats salad and yogurt for lunch?!! Come on.
Before Jack tells his Indian story he makes a disclaimer.
The end credits, perhaps humorously, telling us that no bees where harmed in the making of this film.
The end credits also credit an Indian Chief as a consultant. Of course to be sure no Indians were misportrayed in this film.
Ben telling Jack all about recycling garbage cans in the house. Pleeeeease!!
Tomahawking a cardboard cut-out of General Custer in the genitals. This is the mock treatment of a Union hero that was an effective leader and hero in the Civil War and beyond. Read more about him at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Armstrong_Custer
Of course, none of this PC crap applies to Italian-Americans who are portrayed as only Mafia types.
America put the "fun" back into "Fundamentalism".