Harry D'Amour was designed to be a series, as the very nature of his character was a person that is drawn to one dark, supernatural occurrence after another. Showtime or HBO would be a great place to develop the idea, since they treat their shows with nice budgets and quality writing. I am sure that even Barker would be interested in developing such an idea, but first one of these networks need to get interested.
The Hellraiser series got silly, in my opinion. While I thought the first film by Barker was weird and bizarre, the sequels got corny. Nightbreed, on the other hand, was set up for sequels and never got them. of course, you have the studio to thank for that, seeing how they completely dumped the premise, advertised it as a slasher flick, and effectively ruined it's chances. I think Nightbreed would play out well as a series too, though I don't know if the cast would return or not. Still, I have a quote from Barker in a Nightbreed movie book I own where he says that the sequel was never intended to take place the next day or week, but to pick up years later. On that count, I think bringing back the original cast would be excellent and work beautifully in the larger story Barker had hoped to tell. Still, we would need the director's cut of the film, as it better sets the stage for events to come (such as Lori becoming a breed, inspector Joyce not being killed, the hiding of Baphomet, etc). It would be neat if a D'Amour story could be used as a jumping off point to bring us back into the world of the Nightbreed, creating a spinoff of sorts. So many possibilities.
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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?