Vinovich was aware of some of the things that happened in the past, aware enough to fear it. But he was not a part of the cult. Same with Valentine. He knows what is going on, but he was not a participant back in the day. Vinovich calls what Swann does "evil", and he is right. He fears Swann as a real magician as opposed to simply being an illusionist like himself and thus derides his success. Vinovich, being one of three key-holders to the Repository at the Magic Castle, knows of the past to an extent because it is documented there. But he was not a part of the events surrounding the Nix cult and really has no power to act in regards to what is happening. He is not a magician, but rather an illusionist. The film itself explains to you the difference.
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Whose idea was it for the word LISP to have an S in it?