MovieChat Forums > Lord of Illusions (1995) Discussion > How did D'Amore know Butterfield's name?...

How did D'Amore know Butterfield's name?!?!

This is one of my favorite movies, but one thing has always bothered me. In the scene where D'Amore first meets Butterfield- in Quaid's place- Butterfield never introduces himself, and Quaid never says who his attacker was. In short, Butterfield's name is never mentioned.

In the very next scene after Quaid dies, D'Amore is talking to the detective, explaining about Tappert, and she answers back "So now I've got Tappert, Butterfield..."

So how did the detective get Butterfield's name? She acts like D'Amore supplied it, but there was no point in the scene where he ever learned it.

This seems like a big hole in the story, or like there's a scene missing. I'd love to know how this knowledge of Butterfield's name comes about in the context of the story.

The only thing I can guess is that D'Amore met Butterfield before, and recognized him.


It may have been some bad editing or a flub. Its been so long since I've seen the movie that I can't remember the scene at all.


"The children being kidnapped and enslaved isn't portrayed in a particularly malicious fashion."


I kinda agree with you, i also asked myself the same question! i watched this movie a couple of days ago, but i was only paying 1/2 attention so i let it slide! ;-)


It's just a goof-up in the film. Oh well, it happens. It's possible that it was scripted to have Butterfield's name revealed somehow, but somewhere along the way it fell through the cracks.

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Whose idea was it for the word LISP to have an S in it?


Maybe the detective knew from the description


I AGREE! ..ALSO ONE Of My favorite movies!!.. and i have 'wondered' this.. FOR YEARS!!
I DO NOT See Or hear ANY Evidence that suggests ANY THING that lends itself to what these Guys are proposing..
My belief is, as Some One Else has already stated, that this is probably caused by a 'Cut'/deleted scene.. Or just an oversight in the script..


After rewatching, I noticed that the man Butterfield is torturing when Harry walks in (I forget his name) says Butterfield's name. Granted it's very low, almost a whisper, but he says "Butterfield, I wasn't there. Ask Pimm." From that I, gather that's how Harry knew Butterfield's name, and the names of his other victims, ie Pimm, and how he learned Jennifer's name (the girl from the mental institution.)


Good catch!
