widescreen dvd is GREAT!

I keep coming back to "Dogman" and am so happy I have the windscreen dvd.
Each time I watch it I'm more impressed with Tom Berenger and wonder why he has never received the acclaim he deserves in Holly-weird!
also...the scrip/story is great (although some holes have to be overlooked...like wasn't anyone interested in Lillian's sudden disappearance back at her college.) and god...is Barbara Hershey hot or what!
and of course the music and Karl Lindenlaub's filming out there in Canada (or down there in Mexico)is just unbelievable!
this is a getawayfromitall movie. Escape in it!


I just watched part of this film this morning at 4am!!! Now I want it to add to my collection.
I loved it. I'm so impressed with Tom he's a natural. I won't go so far to say Barbara is hot but she is lovely. The filming is amazing, I loved the music and can't wait to watch it when I'm really awake!

It is good to Dream


amc really should stop the commercioal breaks for a great movie like this.


there was a time when AMC was tops! then they started running commercials and they lost me(& millions of others)
IFC has just started the same commercial destroyer...so they won't be around long.
is the Sundance next???? or TCM? I tape most of my good widescreen (2.5.1) flicks off TCM. Encore used to have widescreen...but not anymore. Shame.
