Gates' Handgun?

What kind of handgun does Gates carry? It looks like a standard western six-shooter - i.e., a Peacemaker. But it does not have an ejector rod. So how do you get the empties out?

Oh, my God! They're turkeys!


In one close-up you can see the ejector rod- a nickle-plated 5 1/2" barreled Single action Colt is what it is.

"It ain't dying I'm talking about, it's living!!!"
Augustus McCrae


Ah. I see. I'll try to look a little closer next time. Thanks.

Also, FYI, "Peacemaker" is just another name for the Single Action Army model.

Werewolves Ate My Platoon!


I finally got a good look at Gates' six-shooter. A little over 14 minutes into the movie, as Gates is closing in on the runners, there is a close up. There is no ejector rod. Either it's been removed, or the cylinder swings out to eject empties and reload. I still haven't identified the model.

Somedays it's just not worth chewing through the restraints.


In the photo you can see where the ejection rod should go. In most films there are several similar guns on site in case of a breakage. Maybe the guns weren't completely identical.

"It ain't dying I'm talking about, it's LIVING!"
Captain Augustus McCrae
