MovieChat Forums > Kiss of Death (1995) Discussion > Why doesn't Cage play more villains?

Why doesn't Cage play more villains?

He was excellent in this.

I'm the saddle.


He doesn't play more villains becasue he was an A-list Hollywood leading man. It's just the formula most action movies follow. It's usually a huge star in the role of the hero, and a lesser star or unknown actor(almost always with a foreign accent) in the role of the villain. There are exceptions, like John Travolta playing the villian in The Punisher, an American terrorist, with Thomas Jane as the title character.

Being inconsistent is better than being consistently bad.


I don't think your assessment is accurate, but thank you.

I'm the saddle.



i guess actors try to get away from playng themselves

cage is a weird wifebeating villainous dude in real life so perhaps in fantasy land he wants to be a hero

i like the films -- matchstick men, lord of war, 8mm, weather man, snake eyes, etc -- where he plays a "Good guy", in a way, who does bad things or is corrupted or tries to get redemption or whatever.

Shuji Terayama forever.
