MovieChat Forums > Kiss of Death (1995) Discussion > Blue Velvet/Frank Booth Connection?

Blue Velvet/Frank Booth Connection?

I just started watching KoD right in the middle on the FX channel. I have seen the movie a long time ago, and while not great, its pretty entertaining.

I noticed that Junior's (Nick Cage)charactor acts like an unstable madman.
The part I tuned into was when Cage asks David Caruso if he "wants to go for a ride." In Blue Velvet, Frank Booth asks Jeffrey if he wants to go for a "joyride."

They end up meeting Ving Rhame's charactor for a gun deal. After some tension passes, Cage takes a hit of his inhaler, much like the way Frank Booth takes a hit from his gas mask.

This might be a coincidence, but I couldn't help to notice the similaries. I'm suprised no one mentioned this either on the message boards, let alone the movie connections. An homage perhaps..

Any thoughts?


there's no connection whatsoever.

breathing problems and going for a ride are normal in movies. no biggy. just dramatic effect in a drama film.

Shuji Terayama forever.
