Over Looked Defense

How is it that Robert Earl was initially found guilty for not only killing but raping the young girl when, as he reveals later, he was castrated while in custody several years earlier? He doesn't pack the gear to accomplish the task of which he was accused.


Castration does not necessarily mean removal of the penis only. It can also be used to describe the removing of the genitals. It is possible that this is the kind of castration Bobby Earl suffered and thus he still had a penis.

Sorry for being morbid.


Actually, castration - in its most used sense - never involves the removal of the penis.


Exactly! And early in the film the bored-sounding forensic investigator stated that no semen was found.


Forgive the ignorance, but I thought that the genitals included the penis?


Kirk & Miguel's Girl


castrate - to remove the testicles of (a male); geld or emasculate.
An individual who is incapable of reproduction as a result of removal, destruction, or inactivation of the gonads.

Please take note that castration has nothing to do with the removal of the penis. Also referred to as:

eunuch - A castrated man employed as a harem attendant or as a functionary in certain Asian courts.
A man or boy whose testes are nonfunctioning or have been removed.

No erection can be obtained by a man who has been castrated, but rape of a female can be done with things other than a penis.


I would have to disagree with the erection thing, at least with dogs, I don't know about people.

A neutered dog can still do and finish the deed--he shoots blanks, but if he had done it before castration, it is more likely that he will be able to do it after, too.

They're so flamboyant and melodramatic, it just makes me want to set myself on fire.


I have no idea about this "case",never saw the film.
But is there any mention as to whether it was surgical castration,or chemical castration?
If chemical,after you stop taking the chemicals,you revert.


well he could still be like, "my nuts was cut off!". why he didn't do that all those years ago when it happened, i don't know.

Tiocfaidh ar la.


Well if he doesn't have a penis he could still penetrate the young girl with his fingers or an object like a dildo and leave no semen...
still counts as rape I guess.

no balls.
