MovieChat Forums > I.D. (1995) Discussion > Surely missing a vital scene where he me...

Surely missing a vital scene where he meets the real bad guys?

So when their operation is being broken up and the stuff removed from the office, John says that he's just been meeting some most-wanted villains, having finally got "in" by talking to the guy down the pub. Surely this is a scene that should have been made, where he meets these people? OK, maybe he was making it up to give the operation more time, but I'm inclined to believe him, given what happened at the pub.



Yes I suppose you could argue that by that point in the film it was all about John's deterioration rather than the criminal investigation angle, so not necessarily worth it. Not essential at least.


The fact that it wasn't made adds to the pace and makes the ending more interesting imho.

Resident Gurnecologist


Use your imagination - we know he's off to meet bad guys, we don't need to know what they look like or what they ask him to do.


Sadly this film has never received the Special Edition treatment on DVD and they have even had the cheek to release it on Blu-Ray still without any Special Features. I am sure there must have been a few deleted scenes and maybe this was one of them. I still live in hope that we will one day get a proper DVD/Blu-Ray elease of this film.
