This is MY family!!!

I'm Claudia, my sister is Joanne and my brother is Tommy, except my brother isn't gay. And my parents are Henry and Adele. I love this movie as it earily hits so close to home. Of course there are many differences but I'm talking about personalities. And the main thing in the end as in the movie, is we all love each other, faults and all.


We must be related! This is SO my family! lol


Well telling your sister "If I met you on the street and you gave me your number I'd throw it away" doesn't sound like loving a family member. Actually the end of this movie MOST of the family members love each other. Joanne never reconciles any of her feelings with anybody.

Joanne was annoyed with her siblings and having to have to deal with them ever. Right at the beginning before her and the husband get out of the car they're planning on having a bad time and trying to ignore it. She was jealous of their lives and hated the one she had for herself. Jealous because to her they were free (living away from their home town) and she ended up with a life she enjoy anymore. She even says while working out, "This is the ONLY thing I do I like". That says a lot of how she feels abou her family and her Husband and 2 kids.

Sure at the end of the scene she sighs and maybe cries a little. But that seemed to be just because of how she felt about her life and not how she treated her sister and brother.


I think everyone comes from a dysfunctional family with a story to tell.

I have been married for 18 years to my second husband and his family is so odd to say the least.

Women marry their fathers and men marry their mothers. What we lack in one part of ourselves we find in the person we fall in love with.

Next comes the part, of finding out the faults of our mates and then trying to change them.

Of course when we do, they are a product of ourselves reflecting what we see in the mirror and wondered what happened to them.

This was a quote from Barbra Streisand when she was talking about all the men in her life that she was attached to before she married her present husband.


This is my family, too. I am Tommy. My sister is Joanne. My mom is Anne Bancroft. We have an Aunt Gladys. I have taken many Leo Fish's home for the holidays.

But you know what? My mom has now passed away and I miss those horrible holidays at home worse than you can imagine.


I think it might be a lot of families! I am Claudia and my brother is totally Tommy (right down to the "Spin, Mommy, spin"). We have an Aunt Gladys, too. My brother and I do that "thing" (couldn't think of a better word) of reverting back to acting like we are teenagers (or even younger) at every family/holiday dinner (making faces and mouthing to one another at the dinner table). And the "Just 'cause" "Just for scuz" exchange ... it's sooo me and my brother!

"FRA-GEE-LAY. That must be Italian!"
"I think that says 'fragile', honey."


I love my dysfunctional family, most of the time
Which is why I love this movie

We have the insane aunt, my mom wears the wig to cover her real hair, all my dad wants to do is watch the game, my brother is so obnoxious (and gay) it's hilarious, my sister is stuck up with her 2.3 children type family, I also have another brother which adds to the dysfunction the high school dropout turned marine type

oh it's just a barrel of laughs, did i mention none of us can cook so big large family meals.. disastrous

"I'm in love with Dominic Monaghan."
"Who is he?
"No its okay if i told you, you'd love him too."


Holy Cow CharliePacex3, I think you might actually be one of my brothers-in-law in disguise.
So glad to hear that my family madness might actually be...normal?
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving - we'll be like Claudia and the airport guy when they are riding in the back of their parents' cars and communicate with a single look that says: "HELP!"
