MovieChat Forums > Higher Learning (1995) Discussion > Ice Cube's Hypathetical Question

Ice Cube's Hypathetical Question

Does anybody remember Ice Cube's question to Malik? The one where if he were at a game at the US Flag was right above his head, and everybody that was there was white, and when they stood up all of them look Malik dead in his eye, what would he do? I was just wondering what kind of answer was he looking for with that? That always made me wonder and I was just curious to see if I were the only one.


No doubt some militant anti-American diatribe about how the American flag is an evil product that was assembled and stitched together with the blood of the African slaves who lived in the country at the time it was conceived and how the flag was the great veil that was cast over blacks with the struggle for civil rights. That's just my opinion on the matter anyways.

"Buy the ticket, take the ride!" - Dr. Hunter S. Thompson



From what I took from it, when Malik answered the question as "stand up, I'd feel embarrassed" Fudge was disappointed in his answer. I think what he was looking for would be "would you do your own thing, or would to follow the crowd because they expect you to be just like them?".

Remember that earlier on in the movie, it's said by Fudge as well, that when the bell rings, they all run to class like they're trained. His point was. You don't have to do what everyone expects of you. You have to think for yourself and not be a sheep.

A lot of Fudge's points throughout the movie was based on that factor. When he tells Malik to read the book for himself and not just for class, he's pointing out that Knowledge doesn't just end in the classroom, nor does it start. It starts with your own knowledge and your own motivation. Not on some theoretical B.S.

Much like Professor Phipps also mentions. "Knowledge is power."

I actually think a lot of Fudge's points were quite valid and I agree with them. He taught himself, and he didn't like to do what people expected, and he didn't think others should do what others were expected to do also. He educated himself, and he believed (for a while anyway) that you didn't need just a degree to get you somewhere, but the knowledge and experiance of life. Hence why it took him so long to graduate.

Well, that was my perspective anyway.


I thought i was the only one that understood Fudge.


"Remember that earlier on in the movie, it's said by Fudge as well, that when the bell rings, they all run to class like they're trained. His point was. You don't have to do what everyone expects of you. You have to think for yourself and not be a sheep."

"His point was. You don't have to do what everyone expects of you."

Fudge is going to lay back on his fatass and not git to class. How is he still in school ?????? In classes? He doesn't seem to have a PHD or teach a class ..

Just hang out and smoke weed..Thats what everyone expects of Fudge...

Maybe his parents are rich white folks...They pay his way and he complains about school,kids,teachers, just about everything ...Hes scared of the REAL world.

He lives off the system and his parents money..



Well, he made a lot of valid points but maybe if he didn't spoil it with that 'Blame the White man for everything' attitude, while bullying Remy I could have had some respect for him.

On the other hand, he may have been just lazy. Playing his Rap music and playing Monopoly and smoking pot instead of cracking the books.

And maybe he just wanted to stay in college where he could throw his weight around with impunity.

I don't see him amounting to anything after graduation.
And maybe he got his Diploma as a form of 'walking papers' to get him out of that college.


I can see how u didn't like him, he was an ass. But i don't think he was picking on Remy because he was white I think it was more that he was a freshman (which i find funny he was roomed with a senior. Just as awkward as Remy being roomed with the Jewish guy.) and he wanted the room to himself so he acted like an ass to get him out. He never just came out and said "No Whites" or "white boy get out" or any thing else like that. Actually the only time he said anything particular about whites in general is when he is telling Malik that they own everything. He never did just blame white people for anything. He specifically

Even though he was in school awhile. Obviously he wasn't there just to get a degree but he really wanted to learn something (i.e. the conversation he had with Malik about why he was in school) and also if he was lazy causing trouble he wouldn't be allowed to stay on Campus.

Fudge seemed like the type of guy that dealt with a lot growing up and had a lot of self pride and respect. Where he was determined to handle things his own way and not have to be given it or shown pity upon himself.
