MovieChat Forums > Higher Learning (1995) Discussion > The Higher learning riots of 1995

The Higher learning riots of 1995

I attempted to see this film in Canton, Ohio in 1995. As the showing before ours ended, a group of white and black kids began fighting. The whole thing spread to the rest of the mall and sparked a mini-riot. Fortunately, i got out of there in one piece. The next day it was mentioned on the Howard Stern Show. Does anyone remember any of the other Higher Learning incidents? I believe there were some in Los Angeles.


Oddly no ~ I did worry about going to see this movie as a kid w/ a white friend who was male ~ I'm a PR/BLK female. Luckily we didn't do a whole lot of questioning to the scenes although thinking back I do wonder if it bothered him when they showcased the KKK guys ... cuz (although it was so long ago) I do recall hearing some hissing within the place.

Sure we got several looks as we walked out ... thinking back I do think I was worried about him walking me to my car. Worried he was going to get jumped by someone. I know he did not due to us hooking up later (NO! Not the same night). But this movie did kind of open both of our eyes to how different we truly were and at the time we never considered such.

But luckily it did not cause our differences to put an issue to our friendship. It was something beyond race/etc that did that

Poop in his hand ... Poop in his hand



Wow do tell more!


My older sister saw this with her then new husband. I remember them saying that fights broke out too during and after! They said that black people started yelling at the screen when the cops stopped the main character after a gun was pulled on him, instead of the white guy.

I think now in 2010 this wouldn't happen, 1995 vs 2010 is slightly somewhat different. Thank God!


It wouldn't have happened in '95, either, except in some race-baiting fairy tale such as this.


Yeah, I think one of the black guys in the audience said, "Man, this is worse than Howard the Duck!" Then a white guy behind him said, "Shhhh!" Than the black guy said, "You've got to be can't possibly be enjoying this steaming pile of crap?" Then the white guy said, "No, but I paid $5.50 to see it and I don't want to have to listen to you talk through the whole thing."

Then it turned into a pushing fight and everyone in the theater was way more interested in watching two sissies go at it than to watch a trite, pretentious, cliche movie starring 20 actors that have come to be known for their bad choices and by a director whose early success has since been completely overshadowed by his immense ineptitude.

The only riots that could've happened with this suckfest would've been while everyone in the theater was fighting to reach the exit.


Wow, I think I was in that same theater as you at the time.



See, I know your post is full of it. How? Because no black man ever saw Howard the Duck.

Then again, no white man ever saw it either. Hmmm.

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.


I'm a civilian, I'm not a trout


Like Scary Movie? When the girl talked through the whole movie.


"Steaming pile of crap" was being kind to this bit of race-baiting tripe. Not surprised it led to trouble. When I saw this (on video), I thought I had stepped out of 1995 and in to 1965. Slob journalism at its worst.


A quick visit to the theater concession stand would have quelled the fighting

"Would you like a pepperMINT?" is the universal peacemaker!


This movie is so bad it actually causes racism!!!!!


They have the episode from Stern on youtube, one of the callers who was white said he was at the theater and it was not a racial fight but between 2 blacks and no whites at least at the one incident near Cleveland. A black guy called in saying basically the same thing that it was blacks fighting blacks. The fighting proceeded in the mall.


lol The only people who should've been rioting are those who don't like $hit movies.

If anything, this movie is so ridiculous it should make people laugh at racial tensions and how pointless/stupid/superficial they really are.

Set 'Display threads as' on personal options to 'nested'-A PSA for imdb


I read somewhere that Mike Nelson and the bots up on the Satellite of Love were threatened with this film by Dr. Forrester and TV's Frank, and that Mike finally caved in because the movie was so horribly cheesy that it drove him insane.
