About Juliet

Having watched this movie, some years ago, I not only loved the story, but I bought the book's sequel, which is about David Ash's new investigation. In the book, his sister Juliet is mentioned as being evil. Since I haven't read Haunted, I was wondering if any of you who read it can tell me about Juliet's character in the book. In the movie she seems like a good person, and even helpful and forgiving to David towards the end...

"The war has come down to the two of us." Henry Farber- Eye of the Needle


In the novel she is ''Evil'' and blames him for her death.

"Flatly My Dear, I Don't Riverdance"


I agree...in the novel "Haunted", Juliet was a real pain in the a$$ and she and David fought all the time. The novel even got round to /hints at David killing her (by drowning) because of the intense dislike between the two. I liked the movie better. Maybe because I'm a sucker for period movies : p


The big question here is: have yous guys seen "The Innocents" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0055018 ??? cgm2812, you will love this, please see this a.s.a.p., if you haven't already.

"Oh look - a lovely spider! And it's eating a butterfly!" (it's from "The Innocents"!)
'' ,,


I have. Very spooky film! Scarier then The Haunting I'd say

"Flatly My Dear, I Don't Riverdance"


I still don't see why so many people want to compare "The Others" to "The Innocents." There are definitely many aspects to "The Others" that is like the James novella but it's not like it's a direct remake or telling of the story like "The Innocents" is.

This "Haunted" film was inspired a little but misses the mark...

"I don't understand" ~IMDB's Victoria Winters
