Stupid Questions...
Or not... how is it one has sex with a ghost? Or touches them at all for that matter? David wasn't just imagining touching Christina as they actually show him use her back to rest the book on when he autographs it. I've never read/seen/whatever where the living had that sort of contact with a "ghost", even in fiction... so I'm confused.
Also, Christina said her mother died when she was only 14, and the kids would have died soon thereafter... Christina is obviously not 14 in the film, so did the ghosts "age"?
And now my dumbest question of all- when David and Christina are riding horses together, is the horse she on real? Is there a real breathing, living horse trotting along next to David's without a rider? Or would that be a "ghost-horse" as well?
I know, silly, but it has been driving me batty!
You better understand I'm in love with myself Myself My beautiful self