Terrorism Tomatoes

This is an important film for modern times, since an Internet hacker is really the new age super-terrorist.

Computer networking (i.e., Internet) affects just about everything it seems --- business, political campaigns, communication, science journal access, etc.

Now, you can even access the Internet on-the-go on your handy-dandy mobile smartphone (perhaps equipped with Windows Mobile or an Apple Safari browser).

"Hackers" (1995) is a cyber-punk joy-ride about youthful computer wizards taking on an evil network tycoon with a flair for the virtual world. This was a great vehicle for Angelina Jolie.

Just as the post office replaced the Pony Express, email/Internet replaced the telephone...and the catalytic Internet hacker affects society perception of bureaucratic monitoring.

Isn't it funny that mobile phones now come equipped with built-in mini-cameras too?


Enron (Wikipedia):




No, it's not.
