MovieChat Forums > Hackers (1995) Discussion > Just watched the movie.....

Just watched the movie.....

...and looked at my clock, it read "13:37"...coincidence?

Anyways, the movie is pretty good i think. It's an entertaining flick and the only movie where i think Angelina Jolie is hot.

The movie has nothing to do with real life hacking of course...but would you really want to watch a movie about people writing codes and pushing buttons? Or an instructional video about "how to hack" ?

If i wanted that, i would look elsewhere.

Take it for what it is: A pop flick about two young people who overcomes an obstacle and gets together in the end. Happy endings for all.


would you really want to watch a movie about people writing codes and pushing buttons? Or an instructional video about "how to hack" ?

Exactly! That's why this is such a great movie. It does throw a few bones towards the hacker types, but at the end of the day, it has to be entertaining and this movie does a fine job of that.


It's an underrated movie that's for sure.
