Not that they are entirely alike but The Net was more real in terms of looks and outcome than Hackers which tried too hard to be hip. It's like they are all rockers, pot heads, punks, skaters and goth freaks who just happens to hack. Please.
Yeah, she's more annoying now than before but you can't deny some of the movies are entertaining enough like While You Were Sleeping, Speed and Demolition man. The Blind Side was good overall.
What do you think Hacker's looked like in the 90's? Hackers were kids first and foremost in the 90's, either in high school or just out of high school, so we dressed like other kids. I knew one hacker group that all wore Heavy Metal concert t-shirts, not because it was a uniform or anything, it's just they were into Heavy Metal, and many of them if not all (can't judge) were pot heads to boot.
Some of us did skate in the 90's. Rollerskating rinks were big at the time as a weekend activity, almost every town had them. So was skateboarding. Two of my group were skateboarders and rollerbladers. Some of us had our goth and club kid phase as well (Blade and Razer weren't goths, they were club kids).
Yeah i guess so. I missed watching this when it came out when I would have been in my teens. Now I am older and just saw it the other day so I guess I didn't take to it so well. But I objected to the those thing about them being rockers and pot heads who happened to be the greatest hackers. I don't think this movie hold up too well now. There are better hacking movies like Untraceable and Die Hard 4.
I wouldn't call them the greatest of hackers. A lot of things they were doing were done by other hackers during that time, and really much of it wasn't difficult to do in the early 90's. The best hacker in that movie was The Plague.
I agree completely. I love how 'The Net' was contemporary but also very real life. No black trash bags in the street, no secret underground hacking elite. Just normal people.
Like a circle in a spiral, like a wheel within a wheel...
Well, of course The Net is more realistic especially since the movie is about Sandra Bullock having her identity stolen and by a guy she met online. Identity theft is a big issue in this new century but there's no way you could possibly erase someone's entire life like the way it happened to Sandra's character surely more people would've known she existed other than Dennis Flippin Miller. Nobody at the grocery store could vouch for her? No high school year books? Yeah, I'm sorry, but even the biggest recluse could prove who they are.
Hackers is a movie about teens who stumble across an evil scheme through hacking and ultimately thwart it by banding together to destroy a threat that could cause an ecological disaster. Hackers come in all shapes, sizes, colors and music/clothing styles. I think the setting of the movie had to do with hacking itself, you think of hackers and you think underground, isolation and the locations where these kids hungout were, pretty much. Hackers and kids with high intellects primarily hungout there or were invited there and if you didn't know anyone "elite" you either didn't know such a place existed or didn't get in. Not everyone can rollerblade. I'm not saying it takes a genuis to master it, if you practice enough you can do it but to be truly great at it takes some skill. I used to rollerblade I wouldn't do it now though those days are over especially with my bad knee lol but my best friend is still quite an ace at it, she can still out blade anyone in a race even though she smokes 2-3 packs a day nothing slows her down but the 90s sure were fun ;) My point, the kids in these movies don't follow the typical crowd or fad, they don't care if they're considered "cool" if more "cool" kids hungout at skate parks it would suck, it's for the "I don't want to fit in with pretentious noobs and conformists. I'm an individual who's not getting by on my looks you can ignore me or dislike me but don't write me off" sanctuary.
I prefer Hackers to be quite honest I don't feel like my intelligence is being insulted by watching it. There's way too much going on in The Net too many twists and turns for me. I don't need a total mind screw in order to be entertained.
The Net was far too melancholy and lonely. Hackers had camaraderie and was fun as hell. Who cares if it's realistic. It was pretty damned cool- even if it was strictly for cool's sake.
I don’t need you to tell me how good my coffee is.. .
The Net is a cool show, I like it but Hackers is 50x better. I've watched the Net about 5 times and Hackers around 75. Hackers soundtrack alone makes it a better movie. Hackers is a classic cult movie that have magic involved with it, I don't feel that at all when watching The Net. The Net just feels like another movie where someone is framed like The Fugitive & Malice etc etc. I could pick apart The Net more then Hackers in terms of looks and outcome. The Net is kind of funny to watch today with the old school internet screens, I do think about Mozart's Ghost though, gives me a chuckle.