Both are excellent movies, they appeal to different public and aim different goals.
Hackers is a little more into teens and hacking skills, with a little of political /philosophy
Sneakers is like a great and very deep battle between two friends like brothers, one that could escape a fatal destiny and the one who had been caught and 'reprogrammed'.
I tend to agree sneakers is a little better because of it content. And it was in fact the very first movie to sketch how important social engineering is to hacking.
In the other hand I like Hackers so much because it is a movie to enjoy the ride, as it was a roller coaster which goes uphill all the time.
It doesn't get old, except the technology used at that time like 28.8kbps modem would be a joke Today and even at the time of that movie, or how the sysadmins were "killing" the "bunnies" or trojans (but I still find it as a good joke, it is really funny to think somebody actually hitting buttons to get rid of a virus one by one, I think we should make an antivirus like that, it would be like playing a get to disinfected). And the music, what an amazing score!! with Massive Attack feat Tracy Thorn!! is just amazing, and Halcyon on & on Orbital music, that theme just stroke me, it was like an instant drug in my mind at the age of 15 when the movie came out. What a wonderful movie.
And btw yes, this movie Hackers, is totally completely underrated. Very misunderstood by the hacking community at the time, this movie wasn't supposed to depict accurately the hacking culture/environment it was more like hey there are good hackers, bad hackers or phreakers, each group had their own values or greediness, and this is how we make a movie to make look hackers very cool and stylish.
I myself, am not a hacker but had to work and find out bugs and backdoors to avoid hacking attacks in the worst time for MS IIS (with WIN NT4 epoque around 2000s) what a POS it was at that time. And I still watch Hackers movie as a great entertaining movie, it is just movie, it is not a documental or sort of like Tsutomu Shimomura Hackers movie about catching Kevin Mitnick.