Can someone help me with a quote from the movie. It is the one from when Grandpa and Jack Lemmon are on the couch talking and he was talking about bacon. He said something like he should have been talking a dirt nap by now, and that there was no moral to the story he just liked it. Can someone please help. Thanks
"One could do worse than be a swinger of birches." -Robert Frost
Grandpa: Let me tell you a story. Last week I turned 95 years old, and every day whe I get up I smoke a cigarette, then I have 5 strips of bacon. And for lunch I have a bacon sandwich, and for a mid afternoon snack...
John: Bacon?
Grandpa: Bacon! A whole damn plate! And I usually drink my dinner. Now, according to those flat-bellied experts I should have taken a dirt nap 30 years ago, but they keep dying and I'm still here. Sometimes I wonder if God's forgotten about me. Just goes to show ya.
John: What?
Grandpa: What?
John: Goes to show you what?
Grandpa: What the hell are you talking about?
John: You smoke cigarettes, eat bacon, drink beer and you outlive all the experts.
Grandpa: So?
John: Well I thought there was a moral.
Grandpa: Oh there's no moral. I just like that story
--- "I was raised on the dairy, bitch!" -Kenny Rogers' Jackass