Just finished watching this movie for the umpteenth time on CMT. Put up with the commercials and the editing, even though I've got the DVD in my library just a short 40 feet down the hall.
This movie is comic genius and if you love the movie and can make the pilgrimage to Slippery's Tavern in the Minnesota town of Waubasha, I recommend that you stop in.
Like most real life locations depicted in movies, its not quite the same. Slippery's is bar & restaurant on the bank of the Mississippi river in the real life town of Waubasha. I need to get back up there since my souvenir T-shirts are wearing a little thin. I worry that this place will change hands or they will lose their connection to the book/movies.
The town of Waubasha is up river from La Crosse Wisconsin on the Minnesota side of the river. (In "Grumpiest" Melanie asks "did they get the Raddison in La Crosse"
Go in, have some beer, try one of their fish dishes and take a look at the memorabilia. The "green hornet", Max's fishing pole hangs on the wall.