MovieChat Forums > Fluke (1995) Discussion > Two versions of the movie

Two versions of the movie

My friend and I thought we were going crazy when we watched Fluke again after many years, noticing a few scenes were missing. After a lot of searching, I finally found the rare 1995 VHS release of the film showing an extra minute of cut scenes.

Scenes cut in 1996 release:
A closeup of the incinerator,
Fluke peeing on the dog pound employee as he is escaping,
Rumbo teaching Fluke to pee properly outside,
Longer laboratory scene, and
Fluke peeing on Jeff's car before entering the office building.

It looks like the movie was first marketed towards adults, even having a totally different adult themed cover (which is not shown in the gallery here). My guess is that it didn't do well and they re-marketed towards kids and cleaned up the pee scenes.


Mm, thanks for this. So the dvd doesn't have these scenes?
