1) Is FLUKE the 1st animal to ever escape that shelter? You'd think they'd have better security. Or at least that the janitors would at least try to stop an animal running when they see one.
2) That guy on the street thought the dog's ability to spot the jewel was a fluke, but everyone else seemed to love it (based on the applauses). Did no one think they could make money out of it and try to steal it?
3) ROMBO's logic was to put the human past behind, yet he was always going to see his brother. If the book author/script writer did that on purpose, then why was he ONLY seeing him when he wanted food? Why not try to get BERT to adopt him (like FLUKE did later)?
4) How dumb can CAROL be that she can't say to JEFF "You know what? Maybe FLUKE attacked you because he thought you were a stranger and he was trying to protect us, like most dogs do"? That wouldn't have solved the problem because FLUKE still would've attacked him again eventually, but still.
5) It's bad enough that TOM is portrayed as a cartoon to convey the anti-workaholic message, but did the revelation of the truth behind the crash had to be that silly? I mean, he got mad at JEFF and followed him? What was he gonna do? It didn't seem like he'd try to tackle his car to kill him.
6) If you had amnesia and you eventually remember who you were and find out you had a personality your present self doesn't like, wouldn't you change back to how you were?, or at least try to justify the bad things you did in the past? If not, wouldn't you have showned traces of that past personality throughout your time with amnesia?
7) It seemed odd that JEFF would tell FLUKE to go and find BRIAN and even that he had a fever. I tried putting myself in that position and I wouldn't talk like that to an animal who had almost killed me.
8) I have no problem with ROMBO coming back as a squirrel, because that makes sense in this universe. But he would've had to be a few days old, and that squirrel was clearly an adult (based mostly on the voice). And even that was a young squirrel, how did he remember everything if it took FLUKE years?