was she still with her parents

in the first one before she went to rome was she still living at home?I mean he sure didnt seem too depressed that she was at rome!So if she was moved out of the house a while ago! then why would he get so depressed that she got married?But my guess is that she went theri for the summer.While still living at home!


I think she went to Rome as part of her degree in Architecture. Perhaps she was living at home at the time as she went to university in California, thus could live at home.


She moved back home because Brian was going away on business until she was almost full term. I wish they didn't put that in, however, as he should have been there with her.

Obi-Wan is my hero!


Reply to Karana-
She didn't "Move in." She was just staying over while Brian was away. I haven't seen it in a while so I can't give you the exact quote, but in the voice over George says something like "Annie's doctor assured us that it was going to be at least (X number) more weeks, so Brian was away on business.

Additionally karana, the OP was talking about the first movie, when Annie first announced her engagement.

so OP, you should post this on the boards for part I.

But to respond to that, are you saying it's unusual to live with ones parents while still in college? *Maybe* she had a dorm on campus that she lived in, but if she just returned from a semester abroad she would'nt have any student housing to go to. Also, depending on how far away the school was it wouldn't make sense for her to have a dorm, especially given how cheap George is. In my four years of college my permanent address was always at my parents and that is where I went for christmas and summer breaks. I was engaged when I graduated so in the months leading up to my wedding I continued living at home until we were married and then moved in with my husband.

So it is perfectly reasonable for Annie to still be living at home, and for her father to be okay with a semester out of the country, but a little less comfortable with the idea of his daughter making a lifetime commitment to a man he (George) barely knows.

Abba Zaba . . . You my only friend


I live at home, and I'm in college. I go to a school that's only 20 minutes away from my house. It's cheaper than having to pay for food and housing at school.


So do I, I live at home and commute which is how I think Annie did it/

George: Drive safely and don't forget to fasten your condoms!
Annie: Dad!


So do I, I live at home and commute which is how I think Annie did it.

George: Drive safely and don't forget to fasten your condoms!
Annie: Dad!
