MovieChat Forums > Father of the Bride Part II (1995) Discussion > Lovely film but makes me quite sad

Lovely film but makes me quite sad

Yeah this is a lovely film and I love both this one and the first but it's also sad.

The first film shows a young girl falling in love, meeting the man of her dreams etc getting married etc and the second one is showing how normally you'd have a baby, have all the family together etc. it makes me sad cos she's only 22 or 24 and has everything she wants in life. I was engaged for 7 years and he cheated. I'm 32 and have no partner, no kids cos I maybe can't have any and unlikely anybody will marry me cos never meet any nice people so no chance of marriage, kids or anything.

When I watch these films I'm happy for these characters but sad cos this is something i will never have.
I have accepted marriage happens to other people, I'm not that lucky and kids will always be out of my reach. Therefore makes me really sad. I will therefore never have what other people have, Annie is very lucky.

Some of us just don't get the happiness in life and marriage, kids and lovely husband always happens to other women and never me.
It's something I'll never experience.


Please don't give up. I was 32 when I married my husband. It can and does happen later in life for some of us. I had some trouble having children at first (lost 2 babies). We ended up adopting a son when I was 36, I got pregnant after adopting and had my daughter at 37. I am 41 and currently pregnant. If having a family is your goal, don't give up the dream. BTW, my husband is older than me.


I thought you were going to say you were sad that she was in her early 20s and having a kid so young. As I was reading, I did not expect it to take that turn. You're 33 to 34 now, by the date of this thread, and that still is young! I'll be 32 in August, and I doubt I'll be married at 34. Times are different, and there is nothing wrong with waiting. I can understand being wary after your ex-fiance's terrible betrayal, but let that not define you, nor your perception of age. I don't know the details of why you may not be able to have kids, but maybe you can with or without fertility treatments, surrogacy, or adoption. There are many options available for kids and for finding a suitable partner. Our decade is still young to settle down. It even happens in people's 40s who begin having kids.

I would not trade being unmarried in my 20s or early, early 30s for anything. I just was not ready, and I'll be a better wife and mother for waiting.
