MovieChat Forums > Father of the Bride Part II (1995) Discussion > Moving to Boston issue - Running into so...

Moving to Boston issue - Running into something similar myself

This is one of my favorite movies. But I am running into a problem that's similar to the problem myself. My husband's sister and her husband are on their way to Colorado (we live in PA) because he got an excellent job there. My husband and his mother want to move there. All of my family and friends are back here. Now, understand my husband doesn't have a job there, like my brother in law does or Annie did, and I can work anywhere, like Brian can. I'm a freelance copywriter. Not an unemployable nonape. LOL

Anyway, I feel like they're not considering my feelings. Colorado and PA aren't nearly as far apart as CA and MA, but they might as well be. And my husband hates flying, so there's no way he's going to want to come and visit my parents. So yeah, it sucks.

My first book is available on Amazon
