I really can't help myself here:
First of all, some people simply don't have the choice. I was very fortunate in having my Mom stay home with my brother and I most days out of every week for a few years in my early childhood, but I have ALSO experienced a daycare environment, and the fact that RexTex described it as "traumatic" and "painful" and: "THANK GOD, my tears "worked" and my mom decided that going back to her banking career wasn't worth the pain me and my brother were going through," is quite honestly kind of ridiculous. THAT'S why people were calling RexTex spoiled - (NOT because, in his opinion, he thinks it's better for a child to have a mother at home with them constantly), because he sounded like a whiny, spoiled kid, period. And then he just said, "Bite me," several times when people were attempting to have a serious conversation with him... And you back this guy up? Really?
Regardless, as far as the actual parenting issue goes, it certainly goes both ways and if you're too close-minded to see that then I can't help you, but I'll go ahead and give my two cents anyway...
Obviously there are plenty of selfish, horrible parents all over the place just as there are plenty of selfless, admirable parents out there. But sending your child to a day-care while you go to work doesn't say anything about you as a person unless you possess negative qualities in the first place, OR unless you don't see to it that your child is as happy, healthy, and rounded as you can possibly make them within your power. Likewise, there are plenty of great, stay-at-home-mothers and then there are PLENTY of terrible, lazy, neglectful stay-at-home-mothers. Lumping them ALL into either one category or the other and then saying one avenue is correct and the other is incorrect is mindless or, as you put it, "naive to the extreme". Not everything is so black and white.
I know plenty of great people who were in a day-care situation since they were born (if both parents need to work to make ends meet then there's not much they can do about that, is there?). I also know plenty of great people who were lucky enough to have their Mom around most of the time. On the other end of the spectrum, I know some really awful people who were taken care of by their mother during the day. And I know some awful people who were in day-care or had a nanny... so it really goes both ways. The bottom line is that a good parent will do everything within their power to create the best possible life for their child, but it really all depends on SO many things and it takes a lot of give-and-take, whether you have a lot of money or hardly any at all.
In your case, instead of looking at this issue with an open mind, you basically have the attitude that, "If you do _____ you're a bad parent. If you do _____ you're a good parent," and sorry, but I find that pretty idiotic when you don't know anyone's context but your own.
Also, the fact that you ended your post with a childish taunt: "Don't deny it, we ALL know you did it," doesn't say much for you either, no offense.
Having said all that, not only do I somewhat despise these movies (I watched them on Netflix thinking they'd be funny but I guess they're a little too cheesy/safe for my taste), but I very rarely feel the need to comment on IMDB boards. However, after reading the RexTex thread and then your post, it made me laugh and I really couldn't help myself.