MovieChat Forums > Father of the Bride Part II (1995) Discussion > Annie and Brian were NOT right for each ...

Annie and Brian were NOT right for each other! (SPOILERS)

Annie was clearly a feminist, and Brian obviously wanted her to be a stay at home mum. Now i get that marriages have to compromise at times, but there's some things that is just a no no!

Brian eventually apologised to Annie and said he wanted to movie to Boston, but it shouldn't have been an issue in the first place. They both have different mindsets, Brian's true colours may eventually pop up years down the line, people are who they are, they can only pretend for so long, and then Annie and Brian's marriage will eventually be over, with divorce and split parenting. If this movie concluded with these lot in part 3 2017, Annie and Brian's marriage probably wouldn't have lasted.


I'm not sure why you think Brian wanted Annie to be a stay at home mom... At what point does he say this or tell anyone that?

I can totally understand why Brian felt uneasy about wanting to move to Boston. Both of their families live in California so that's on the other side of the country. That would be hard moving away from especially after having a baby. They would hardly get to see them ever again. It's not impossible but it's still a hard decision. Also, like I mentioned, it's on the other side of the country. How is anyone supposed to feel 100% comfortable about moving somewhere you're not used to. The east is completely different than the west.

I think you're being a little too hard on Brian. He eventually came around and supported her and acknowledged his mistake, as he should've. I felt like Annie should've been more considerate about his feelings.
