AA meetings

I love this one- so many good speakers!

Painful to watch Richard Lewis Relapse- what a fantastic job he did with that role! And geez- everyone played their roles so well- it was so obvious that this was based on a play, solely on the lines and how the actors treated their parts if nothing else. This is easily my favorite sober movie (picking from the scant handful of good ones out there.)

But... (and half assed being funny here) I've never been to a meeting where there were so many lucid, well spoken and attractive people. Kind of like Edward Norton's role as Daniel Vinyard in American History X- maybe a little too perfect for real life. But then I've never been to a meeting outside of Hawaii.


I quit going to AA meetings because they were so damn boring! It was always variations on the same theme. Besides, after sitting around listening to everyone tell their stories I always wanted a drink afterwards. So I quit drinking cold turkey. No meetings, no sponsors, no help, no church, no prayers, no s***. March 5th, 1989.

Nuke 'em till they glow, then shoot 'em in the dark!


I'm of the same opinion, but if you are a heavy drinker you have to be careful quitting cold turkey. Might need doctor's supervision to be safe.

Rational Recovery makes more sense to me. Not giving up to some "Higher Power", and taking personal responsibility rather than being subsumed into some group. Also, legally nothing is confidential. And be careful of 13th steppers!


What is a 13th stepper? That's one I never heard of.

Nuke 'em till they glow, then shoot 'em in the dark!


someone that becomes involved with / takes advantage of a newcomer.


To put it more crudely, someone looking to get laid basically. And YES, there are some GORGEOUS women in some AA meetings. Attractive men, and YES - celebrities, politicians, millionaires too. Usually the ones that look like they are - aren't. LOL I've been to a meeting where one elderly actor had another actor come up to him and say 'Hello, long time no see' And the other actor said 'Nice to see you here, keep coming back...' And I knew these two KNEW each other well in past. So I said to the elder actor 'Did you guys have a falling out?' And he said 'with who...?' I said that was so-and-so, and the old guy didn't recognize him at all. LOL But to say AA is 'boring' is pretty self centered with high expectations. Hate to see how that dude plays euchre. Spades called, and all he has is big high clubs. This game sucks! LOL


The higher power thing does more good than the rational thing - addiction is not rational, but emotional.

It's not "sci-fi", it's SF!


Haha...amen to that. I've been to meeting all over the U.S., and MAYBE once every few weeks you might here something eloquent and cohesive. I've definitely never seen that many good-looking people at once in a meeting. Then, I've never gone to a meeting in So. California. I've heard things about that area...



I have not finished watching this because my sweetie wanted to bail on it for the thing you point out - at least regarding the women. They were pretty, perfect and polished by Hollywood and it was near impossible to accept them as struggling addicts. In general, the performances are quality and I intend to continue watching - though the one nitpick I am having trouble getting past is that on multiple occasions Lewis' character says he wants a pint, but goes right to the fifths and half gallons as if he, an alcoholic, didn't know the difference. Sloppy.
