Where Dracula and Mina are Dancing in front of the mirror, it's also at the end credits. What's the name of that song?
By the way, I think this movie is great. And to all those goths who think they're vampires out there; if you can't enjoy this movie, then you suck (figuritively speaking, of course).
He tells the orchestra to play the "Chardash" which is a traditional Hungarian dance. I'm not sure if it's the name of the song or just the dance (sorta like "the Tango"). P.S. I'm a real vampire trying to be a goth.
Well, the Chardash must be a really cool type of dance because that's not the name of the song. But you were right about it being Hungarian. I found it while looking it up franticly. It's...
The "Hungarian Dance No. 5" by Johanne Brahms.
It must have been the more popular one back then, kind of like the 90's "Mambo No. 5". So, basicly, when you write at least 5 different dances, the fifth one is always the best. And no, I'm not serious. So please don't try to prove me wrong.
Hmmm, you may be on to something with your 5 theory. After all, who's ever heard Beethoven's First, Second, Third or Fourth symphonies? ...or the perfumes Chanel No. 1, 2, 3 or 4?