Hard Headed Voters

I don't care what other people say. This movie is one of my most favorite movies, for life.

Sure, some of the jokes may seem practical, but to me they still come as refreshing gags. It's just that, with comedies (especially recent ones), they try so hard and often over do things. "Dracula: Dead and Loving It" is very conservative in a sense, and that's just what I trully love about it. It's so conseravtive that it's flawless!! (To me, anyway..)

Plus, you gotta love the homage on other Dracula films.. The music, the appearance, I love it all.

So laugh at me for giving this movie 8 stars (I'm a strict voter myself, so that's the highest most movies go). Let me just say that for those who believed that they dislike the film from the very beginning, then your missing out on a lot.

This is my favorite Mel Brooks film, as a matter of fact. So understand how I might feel to see it voted under 5 stars.

Excuse me.


I'm wit you, Hyokano. But the more I think about it, I LIKE the fact that no one else seems to like this movie. It gives it more of a hidden quality. When too many people are fans of something you like, doesn't it sorta make you feel... "average"?

Example... When Harry Met Sally was a funny movie. But everyone in the world thought so too, and everyone in the world can quote it, so that sorta dilutes its value to me. But now take an obscure masterpiece like DDLI where only a rare few people enjoy the gags; that makes it priceless.

This movie is also a great "date barometer". Watch it with your next potential bf/gf. If he/she likes it, then you've got yerself a winner. Wrong me baby wrong me ;)
