Mel Brooks DVD Box Set

Why was this film not included in the DVD Box Set of Mel Brooks? I know the most tempting answer would be, "Because it sucked", which I happen to agree with, but there's got to be a better answer than that. Even if it does suck, it was the last film to date that Mel Brooks has directed (and it will probably be his very last) and it's still a part of his legacy.


I too am outraged about that... I love his films... and to tell you the truth this was a favourite... next to blazing saddles and stuff... but this is odd...


...Because Fox put out the box set and this movie is put out by WB. Fox managed to make a deal with WB to include Blazing Saddles in the box only to be given the older inferior DVD release.


The Producers wasn't included for a similar reason I think, but I had the collector's edition of that movie, so I don't care. And while I love To Be or Not To Be, it wasn't directed by Mel Brooks, so it's a mystery as to why they included that movie and not other movies that he directed, such as Life Stinks (not great but underrated movie IMO).


Because again Life Stinks is not a Fox property but MGM, as is Spaceballs which also not included.
