Why is this the most underrated comedy of all time?


It's actually terrible. One one the most unfunniest "comedies" ever made.


I am the biggest Melvin Brooks fan on this site...so let me say this------this movie sucks!

Soooooooooo boring. Please, you middle aged tea drinking yuppies dont reply back...it's a fact!


um..compared to most of the absolute pile of crap that comedy apparently is these days, this is funny. i mean honestly, you don't have to like it but please state why it sucks.

for real i hardly find anything on tv funny these days, and movies get less and less funny as they come out. without sexual or toilet humour you have hardly any comedy movies at all these days.

"What's the matter sid?, you look like you've seen a ghost"


I think the problem was it came out at Christmas time, during the Oscar season, and it got lost in the shuffle. In Mel's biography it said that Halloween might've been a better time for it.
