Soooooooooo underrated!

This (and Canadian Bacon) have to be THE most underrated comedies of all time! There are too many laugh out loud moments to count, (especially the steaking!) not to mention some great comedic performances, topped by THE Leslie Nielsen. I cannot understand why this movie continues to be constantly panned! It has everything a Mel Brooks movie should have; silly prop gags, clever parody and jokes that are so cultured that many people don't get. I hope I'm not the only person who feels this way, but if i am so be it!


i agree 100%...its like suddenly people expected this movie to be a magical fairytale that cleverly depicts the socio-cultural differences of modern society...


I agree. Robin Hood Men in Tights was the real bad one. this had some pretty damn funny parts.

SHE COULD BECOME ONE HERSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Agree 100%! In fact, I was considering writing a review on for this movie, entitling it "Perhaps the most underrated comedy of the 90's."

But yes, I've seen the movie a dozen times, and I keep laughing hard each time I see it. I'm surprised to find many reviews and comments that it's one of Mel Brooks's least liked movies, and seems to have been forgotten by many fans. It remains one of my favorites.



too true!!!

i dont

(although i did like MIT too...:))


I honestly think where this movie falls down is the editing. I had the honor to meet the great Chuck Jones once, who told me the difference between funny and not funny can be as little as 1/5 of a second. The shots here are on just a bit too long---consistently throughout the entire film. I think if this movie had just been slightly tightened up in the editing it would have been hysterical. Same with Loaded Weapon I, btw.


"In fact, I was considering writing a review on for this movie, entitling it "Perhaps the most underrated comedy of the 90's."

That, and Brain Candy.


Nielsen died and reporters or critics? are saying the naked gun series are his best and this movie, lesser. I saw this movies on theater back then with my parents and we laughed all the way, we even found ourselves repeating lines from the movie.
I still can watch it to this day and enjoy it. Im tired of critics, im feeling they are some uptight snobs who think they have a divine command to rip on movies not boring.


This is underrated, I agree. But I have to admit, when I saw this the first time, I thought it was pretty bad. Maybe because I hadn't seen the 1931 Dracula yet.

Only 9% on Rotten Tomatoes..


That 9% rating on Rotten Tomatoes is appalling.

I remember seeing this movie for the first time with my girlfriend when I was in high school in the late 90s. I liked it then and I liked it just as much a few days ago when I re-watched it on Netflix.

Dracula: Dead and Loving It kicks ass. That's just the way it is. I don't feel that it's perfect--and the poster above who says that some of the gags go on just a bit a bit toooo long is correct, in my opinion--but it's a good, old-school, dare I say feel good comedy.

If it has its critics, I think it's because the type of comedy that Mel Brooks does . . . its time has passed. Newer generations don't get it and find it too obvious. But I find that it warms my heart.


True. Very true. Anyone who haven't seen the original Dracula of 1931 would end up not loving this. Thus, I think, makes it one of the most underrated movies ever. RIP Leslie!



Well I haven't seen the 1931 Dracula and this is still hands down my favourite Mel Brooks movie :P


It is SO TRUE that it's underrated. This movie is pure delight!


Have to agree, the most underrated comedy I can think of.



i agree, i will never grew tired of it.
i watched it when it came out in 90s, million times from then, and even today - i find it funny and watchable.

