
so if Jules Winnfield ain't around to save the weird-naked-racist-white-guy during the first "task"
how does Simon prevent John from being murdered?

i feel like it's quite a gamble if you need John to make the heist happen (aka the subway explosion)

i know we show the cool German sitting on a rooftop later.. but WTF


I haven't seen this since opening day in the theater, but my sense is that the crooks knew that McClane wouldn't leave himself vulnerable, and would have some sort of safety net. And, they may also have had plants nearby to intervene as apparent bystanders if anything went down. For the most part, I trust that if the villain is a master planner, then even if the audience isn't privvy to every aspect of his plan, there is in fact a contingency for obvious stuff like this.


"I haven't seen this since opening day in the theater"
good heavens man!

methinks Die Hard 3 is just a poorly written film.


The original Die Hard is arguably the best action film ever made. The subsequent however many there were are uniformly shitty.


His plan could have still worked even if John had been killed in Harlem that morning. There wasn't a bomb by the payphone, and he didn't think there was any chance John would make it to the subway in time. So that means the bomb is going to go off where and when Simon wants it too. Then he still had Inspector Cobb's number to call and tell him about the school bomb, which sends all the police away and he still gets away with the gold.

The Fountain bomb could have been set up in no time, and he could just radio his Yankee stadium crew to leave.


this film is like clickbaits. random stuff just happen for entertainment. this whole scene is stupid. and yes simon need mclane for heist so it make so sense to kill him

in realitys mclane would be punched to the head and knocked down and his sign taken away. he would not "not be killed" like they say for doing this
