MovieChat Forums > Desperado (1995) Discussion > Nothing but ridiculous, corny, and stupi...

Nothing but ridiculous, corny, and stupid.

One of the worst movies I've watched in a long, long time.

I was going to give it a 2, just because that's generally the worst score I give for terrible movies unless they're truly deserving of that rare 1, but Salma Hayek looking all fine bumped it up to a 3. She was literally the one redeeming quality of this god awful disaster of an excuse for a movie.


I was disappointed to see this from one of my favorite directors, Quentin Tarantino.



Robert Rodriguez directed this film.


He's one of your favorite directors but you don't even know which movies he directed and which ones he didn't. You're no fan.


My bad man. In my defense it was late at night and I searched quentin tarantino on Netflix hoping to find a list of movies he's directed and this movie was part of the list that appeared and I assumed he directed it.


That's not a very good defense.


What've we learned about assuming?

Straightedge means I'm better than you.


Who cares if u thought he 70directed it big deal but don't aplagize to that idiot for anything,judgmental *beep*..


To each his own. I like the movie and I still think that the first half is narly flawless. Buscemi does one of the best movie intros ever, and the characters, the music, the dialogue are all great from then on. I do tend to skip the last parts when I rewatch though.

By the way, this movie wasn't made by Tarantino (though he was involved).


greatest movie ever, nothing even comes close


It's a b movie tribute


I love it BECAUSE it's ridiculous, corny and stupid!


This movie is from 95 and it is similar to a lot of Tarantino 's movies but it's still a good movie,you're just a d bag I give your reasoning a negative two..


No, what is stupid is picky people thinking a movie is reality, when that is what a movie is for, to take you away from reality. Duh! Jeez, some damn dumb asses out there thinking everything has to be perfect and their way. Get a life and deal with it. I rather watch over the top action over stupid drama crap.

Rated R Horror movies are better, no matter the argument.


I personally found it to be a very fun movie
