MovieChat Forums > Dead Presidents (1995) Discussion > the judge was completely right on the se...

the judge was completely right on the sentence but for the wrong reasons

What the judge said about the Vietnam War not being a ‘real war’ was obviously completely wrong as well as completely insulting to everyone who fought in it. However, the judge was completely right to sentence Anthony to 15-years-to-life and to not take into consideration his military service. The judge should have mentioned the fact that the police officer who was killed in the robbery was also a Marine yet the bank robbers didn’t let that fact get in the way of killing him. Likewise, many of the bank guards who were killed in the robbery were probably also military veterans. The judge should have said that Anthony didn’t deserve any special consideration that he refused to grant to the guards and cops killed in the robbery. The judge should have said that Anthony deserved 15-years-to-life for murdering his fellow veterans. If the judge had said something along those lines then I think that Anthony would have felt sufficiently put in his place to not start ranting about what he had done for his country and he would have been able to accept his sentence.


MANY WW2, and Korean War Vets thought the Vietnam war was a nothing war, particularly in the 60s,
Their attitude seemed to change in the 70s
