MovieChat Forums > Dead Man Walking (1996) Discussion > No matter your views on the death penalt...

No matter your views on the death penalty, you have to admit

how incredible Sarandon and Penn are in their roles. I just watched this film again tonight and they are both outstanding actors. It's a joy to watch them, despite the heavy material.


I agree. Everyone was good, and I thought the writing and direction were good, also. The handling of the actual death scene was just right, in my opinion. It showed the brutality of it, but didn't exploit it.
I thought Sean Penn should have gotten the Oscar. I'm glad he eventually did for "Milk."


"how incredible Sarandon and Penn are in their roles."

I think the acting highlight for me was the first conversation at Mr Dellacroix's home with Sr Helen.

Susan Sarandon's and Raymond J Barry's interaction was spine-tingling, whilst at the same time being heart-breaking.

Plaudits all around.


They were both amazing. I don't see how Penn didn't get an Oscar as he was just as great as Susan Sarandon.
