The death penalty is a tool to keep POOR people down...
In practice, not in theory obviously.
FACTS (for the US at least):
- There are no rich criminals on death row.
- Innocent people (or at least exonerated people) seem to get it awfully frequently in the USA, especially if they're minorities.
- Blacks tend to get it at much higher rates than whites for the same crimes.
- Executing people tends to be even more expensive than housing them for life.
- There's no established correlation between its implementation and crime deterrence/reduction. In facts, countries with the lowest crime rates have no death penalty.
- Crimes that supporters use to push for its use (serial killings, violent rapes) are in reality uncommon and even rare when placed in stats alongside the other crimes, but very well advertised by tv networks and politicians to keep people scared and supportive of tough on crime measures such as the death penalty.
How's that so far?
And as for the moral arguments:
- Most people who quote the Bible (OT in particular) to justify it happen to identify themselves as Christians yet seem to miss the NT and pretty much all of Jesus' teachings, for apparently "love thy enemy", "turn the other cheek" and "pray for those who torment you" seem to be inconveniences to rationalize away. I don't mind a Jew basing such opinion on the Tanakh (it's THEIR holy scripture after all), but a Christian who is supposed to follow Christ?
- It's one thing to kill in wartime, police activity and self defense. It's quite another when there's no such immediate threat.
- Equating long prison sentences to execution to argue away the point of what about innocent people being executed is absurd. No matter how much time lost in jail, as long as that person is still alive they can be compensated somewhat (at the very least acknowledgement the damage done goes a long way to restore their honor and dignity). But once they are dead, nothing can be done for them anymore.
- The USA seems to have a very wide vengeful streak in its psyche, not exactly compatible with it's supposely Christian foundation. they just don't seem to get the fact that the more harsh you punish criminals the more vicious they will get (torture was widely used all over the Medieval ages and even Modern age, yet that didn't stem the crime waves one bit, why should they do it now?).