MovieChat Forums > Dead Man Walking (1996) Discussion > Gotta Love How Lethal Injection Works

Gotta Love How Lethal Injection Works

Some states like Florida, Georgia, and Alabama I think still use electrocution alone because it's painful and gruesome and they want you to pay for yo' sin!

And lethal injection. Some think that you can't feel a thing because you're knocked the hell out by the sodium pentothal. Others think that the second drug keeps you from expressing your pain, so you can't scream when the liquid fire third drug is going through you.

In short:

Shot #1--Puts you to sleep
Shot #2--locks the lungs
Shot #3--pops the heart


I'm still unconvinced when the officials refer to it as humane.

In this film we hear Mathhew's lawyer describe it as similar to putting an old nag (horse) to death and that the body is going through Armageddon but the audience is spared the horror show because injection A paralyses the muscles so the death row "victim" can't express any pain.

I am anti the DP whatever form it takes. I have done some research on the Lethal Injection but have thus far found inconclusive and differing accounts. Obviously nobody lives to tell the tale!

"Has anyone seen my wife?" - Columbo


I hope it does hurt.


Actually you can't have come across very good sources or you're just trying to contrive evidence to bolster your anti DP views.

Injection A is a barbiturate, Sodium thiopental, used widely for anything from pain relief to the induction of partial or complete anaesthesia. Injection B, Pancuronium bromide is the muscle relaxant so you're incorrect.

In fact many states that use LI now use Sodium thiopental as the sole method of execution so I suggest you go back and do your homework.

Hey! You're not old enough to drink! Now go and die for your country!!!


The Eighth Amendment prevents "cruel and unusual punishment" it does not say the execution needs to be painless. Probably the most painless method would be firing squad but some people consider that cruel. There's very limited ways to kill someone painlessly. The execution is supposed to justice not revenge. It's very likely lethal injection causes pain but I bet it's less than the electric chair or gas chamber. If you want painless, get the guillotine from the French. I'm sure those that were put to death with that felt no pain. Those executed shouldn't suffer but the law does not say the execution has to be painless.
