Im not American so my opinions may fall victim to stereotyping but it seems to me a curious thing about America is that the people in the most dogmatically religious, conservative states are the ones who seem to completely ignore the teachings of Jesus. They seem to quote the old testament much more than the new, they seem to be strong proponents of war and the death penalty, how much more unchristian can you be?
Im not American so my opinions may fall victim to stereotyping but it seems to me a curious thing about America is that the people in the most dogmatically religious, conservative states are the ones who seem to completely ignore the teachings of Jesus. They seem to quote the old testament much more than the new, they seem to be strong proponents of war and the death penalty, how much more unchristian can you be?
I've always found this to be true. It's some of the most Conservative Americans that preach to people on their soapbox - and then turn around and don't practice what they preach. And Texas is the worst of the states. They have executed more people than all the states put together. They're kill-crazy down there, and they don't care who it is either, it could be anyone. The point is, hypocrisy plays a very big part for those who are proponents of the death penalty. These proponents are big on practicing The Bible, but only when it's convenient for them.
Stereotype much?
The original post wasn't a stereotype. It happened to be fact. Get over it.
"And Texas is the worst of the states. They have executed more people than all the states put together. They're kill-crazy down there, and they don't care who it is either, it could be anyone."
Tell me something: Are you living a Christ-like life? How are you doing with that goal? Have you accomplished it? Are you even trying? Or are you too busy pointing your finger at right-wing Christians and pointing out their failures?
"When I say, 'Whoa!' I mean, 'Whoa!'" (Blaznee, "Spaced Invaders")
Are you talking about the same Jesus who said to Peter, "Put your sword in its place, for all who take the sword will perish by the sword[,]" ShalanTD?
And what about the following statement from Jesus?
"Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish, but to fulfill. For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass away from the Law, until all is accomplished."
Are you talking about the same Jesus who is, in fact, God in the flesh? The very same Jesus who said that both He and His Father are one? Seeing as it was God who established the death penalty in the first place, I'd like to ask you this question: Do you believe that God contradicts Himself? Or maybe you believe that God didn't mean it when He said that murderers should be put to death. Perhaps you think He was joking, or bluffing for the sake of scaring murderers into submission.
QUESTION: How many of you people who oppose the death penalty for murderers, are the very same people who advocate abortion as a valid choice that women should be free to make? Because I've found that many people who believe that the life of a murderer should be spared, are the very same people who advocate abortion (which is, quite obviously, the murder of an unborn child) as a valid option.
"When I say, 'Whoa!' I mean, 'Whoa!'" (Blaznee, "Spaced Invaders")
No. If there are Gods, they don't care for us. Do I believe the men who wrote the Bible trying to instill a sense of right and wrong into society contradicted themselves? Hell yeah. Frequently.
And considering that they also wanted people put to death for wearing garments made of two threads or for working on the Sabbath, and were fine with slavery and incest... I think maybe the time to just leave all that antiquated stuff behind and make our own sense of right and wrong is now.
For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco
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